Ways to improve the efficiency of small excavators

2024/08/02 16:01

The work efficiency of small excavators is not a level compared to that of medium and large excavators. But the mini excavator want to further improve the efficiency of work, in fact, to a large extent with the artificial operation factors, the following to share with you six ways to improve the efficiency of small excavators.

1, construction organization for reasonable design. Long-term work in the small excavator industry should be clear, small excavator normal operation, must excel with each automatic dump truck, driver number carrying capacity to meet the normal small excavator capacity requirements, we also note that the capacity of the automatic dump truck is the best whole number of small excavator bucket capacity. 

2, hire an experienced driver operator, the driver operator must have skilled operating techniques, and the use of complex operations to achieve a shortened cycle time of the mini excavator.  

3, you can use small excavator loading loading method, when full of a small excavator, followed by loading the next, preferably two automatic dump trucks parked in the small excavator bucket arc and unloading soil, which bucket turned clockwise and full car, reversed and full of another car, to improve the efficiency of the driver loading, improve the efficiency of the small excavator.

4, good mining technology is also very important to influence the productivity index, dynamic strength, especially the engine, the more favorable digging, and vice versa.   

5, small agricultural excavator bucket teeth wear, cutting resistance of the bucket will increase 60% -60%, therefore, pay attention to replace the hair dark bucket teeth!   

6, small excavator before construction, the first custom automatic dump truck driving route, complete all the obstacles on the route, drive fast, small excavator. On each digging road, the driver sees the empty return, to avoid automatic dump trucks in and out will not interfere with each other. Each run runs smoothly, favoring the driver as the auto dump truck goes in and out. 

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